Friday, January 30, 2009


Lesson 4: Potential Prospects

You should not pre-judge your prospects. You should talk to
everyone. Once they come into the business you should begin
to sort them out. When you are starting your network
marketing business you should be like a fisherman who uses
the net to pull in lots of fishes. And do the sorting out
later. Do not use the fishing rod to catch one fish at a
time. Likewise, as a beginner in network marketing you
should sponsor as many people as possible and then do the
sorting between the various types of downlines later.

However, with experience you will be able to sort out
between the potential business builders and others. To my
experience potential business builders will have the
following characteristics:

1. People who are successful in their own profession or

These people have the right attitude and discipline to be
successful. They are already successful in what they are
doing and will have the pattern of excellence within them.

It is a matter of making them understand the potential and
benefits of network marketing.

2. People who have influence.

These are people who can influence others because of their
position or status. However, to get these people to see and
understand the network marketing business will not be easy.
They will also have to undergo a big change of attitude in
order to be successful. They will have to learn from others
who may not necessarily be as successful, compared to them.
People may join them but if they cannot duplicate the right
attitude and ways of building the network marketing
business, their organization will eventually collapse.

Having said that, if they are willing to learn and change,
they will have the potential to be very successful.

3. People who are “Bubbly”.

These are people who have friends everywhere. They are
friendly with everyone and have excellent communication
skills. They love people and are respected by their peers.
If the business opportunity is properly shown, they will be
an excellent prospect as a business builder.

4. People who are “Hungry”.

These are people who have big dreams. They are always
running around everywhere to look for opportunities to
improve themselves. They are willing to work hard. With the
right attitude and training these are potential business

5. People who have experience in network marketing.

These are people who were involved in network marketing
before. They may or may not have big success before but with
their knowledge and experience they may be good prospects as
business builders.

6. Insurance agents, unit trust agents, and those who are in
related sales industries.

These people have the basic leadership and communication
skills to be successful.
With some adjustments, they can be good business builders.

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